5 Life Hacks to Help You Relax and SLEEP!

Life hacks to help you sleep

I love to sleep.  I get V.E.R.Y. little of it anymore – so I’ve been trying to focus on getting quality sleep given quantity is, for now, in short supply… I have forever had a lot of trouble falling asleep. Sometimes I’m just anxious or stressed, and when I’ve got 1,000 balls in the air I find myself thinking about all the things I have absolutely zero control over, in addition to things that happened like 25 years ago, did I remember to get diapers to daycare, I think I forgot my nieces birthday…you know, STUFF.  It makes it almost impossible to get a good night’s sleep! I KNOW you hear me…

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I have managed to find some sleep remedies that work and I’m going to share a few of them with YOU! 

The Third Eye Life Hack

During a conversation with one of the moms at daycare (who also happens to be a Pediatrician) I learned about a magic sleep button in the middle of our foreheads. Yeah – I made the same face you are likely making right now…  So – there’s a pressure point between our eyes called the “third eye”. It’s set to relieve anxiety, fear, depression and help with Insomnia. Massage right between the eyebrows, which is where the third eye is until you feel sleepy. Sounds a bit hocus pocus – but give it a shot!  So simple you can even teach your kids how to do it.

A Meditation Life Hack

Focusing on and consciously relaxing each muscle in your body, start with your forehead, eyes, jaw…and work your way down your body – down to your toes. I’m always surprised how tense I am when I take the time to do this exercise – normally wearing my shoulders are earrings and clenching my jaw.  Those are my two classic stress indicators.  When you finish, your whole body should be more relaxed – helping you fall asleep. 

The Buzz Life Hack

I actually do this with my son as he struggles winding down at the end of the day.  Or, ever.  A spoonful of honey before bed has been shown to drastically improve your sleep.  I combine the honey with some warm milk.  This is definitely a case where the old wives’ tale actually has some truth to it. Milk (and soy milk if you prefer) have an ingredient called Tryptophan, which is a natural calming agent that relaxes your body without medication. 

The Puuuuuurfect Life Hack

Have you ever watched a cat sleep?  If you own a cat, you undoubtedly have as this is what they spend most of their time doing.  This sleep hack is one of my fav’s because apparently holding our cat helps us sleep.  Petting your feline friend before sleep is a great way to de-stress and calm your body.  I also have a sleep app with calming sounds, the cat purr is one of the best – so even if you don’t have a cat – you can still use this puuuurfect sleep solution.

Weighted Blankets Life Hack

I LOVE a cozy bed and have just started using a weighted blanket.  My mom got it for me for my birthday last year.  I have to admit it was odd at first and I felt like my toes were trapped – but after a few nights I REALLY started to dig it and now I can’t imagine sleeping without it.  Oddly, it isn’t hot even though it’s heavy.  I’ve looked into getting one for my son as well (he’s 5) – so I will report back on that endeavor once I see how he likes it!

I hope one of these sleep tips works for you and helps you get some quality shut-eye. Even if you get a wink here and a nap there – best to have GOOD sleep when you can get it! And these tips also work if you’re suffering from a little bit of “Mom Brain”.

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1 years ago
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When you get it...happy Friday ;) #ImAProudMomma

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Oh my goodness!!!

Alarra Mace

Ohhhhh nooooooo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ahhhhh that’s hilarious I’m mad they kept the name

Still ????

Do you mean dahmer... pronounced completely different so it makes no sense. ..yeah I know I'm fun at parties

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2 years ago
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Don't Forget The Dads!! We've Compiled Some Pretty Great Dad-Tastic Designs For The Kiddos To Decorate!!
& The Best Part? #TheyAreFree


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Dont Forget The Dads!! Weve Compiled Some Pretty Great Dad-Tastic Designs For The Kiddos To Decorate!! 
& The Best Part? #TheyAreFree 


Find Them All @:  https://www.imaproudmomma.com/fathers-day-freebies/

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My husband was an awesome dad ❤️👏👏👏👍😊


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Moms do it, too. I used too look at my other twin son D'marcus like that until he did what I needed him to do. 😂 #SoFunnyThinkingBackAtGoodMemories🥰

Jeff Stalder

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